Life Mastery refers to a series of skills and know how that can enable you to successfully accomplish your major goals in life, like being happy, being healthy, having strong relationships, raising healthy and happy kids, etc.

Unfortunately, we do not learn optimal life mastery skills in high school, college, or even in post-graduate education.  These skills usually are gained through independent personal development work.

At the Health Resource Network, we believe that life mastery skills should be taught to all students around the globe.  This education can be incorporated into high school and college curricula as well as in home school environments.

We believe that future generations should be exposed to high-quality life mastery skills training as early as possible in their maturation process. 

One of our goals as a non-profit organization is to promote that vision world-wide.

Click the link to review our list of 30 Key Life Mastery Skills everyone needs to master.