The Health Resource Network, Inc. 501(c)(3) Non-Profit | Since 1982
Our Mission: Promoting Knowledge and Life Mastery Skills So People Can Be Happier, Healthier, And Even More Successful
What We Do
Our Services

Expand your Stress IQ every April as part of our annual sponsorship of National Stress Awareness Month (since 1992).

Discover how to master your emotions, strengthen your relationships, eliminate stress, and much more.

Help improve health education in high schools, colleges, and home school settings all around the world.
About Us
We Provide The Life Mastery Skills you weren’t taught in school
Let’s face it…life constantly challenges us is many different ways. One of the reasons our parents sent us to school was not just to gain knowledge about history, literature, science and math. It was also to help us develop skills to master and control our emotions, to know how to build strong relationships with others, to learn how to be productive and successful, and certainly not be unhappy or stressed.
Unfortunately, schooling at all levels has not equiped us with high-quality life mastery skills. We believe this is a major failing of our educational systems world-wide. And we are committed to doing what we can as an organization to make life mastery skills more broadly available to all future generations.
Over 40 Years Reputation for Excellence
We have over 40 years experience helping people all around the world to be happier, healthier, and even more productive without suffering stress or burnout. Much of our success comes from debunking myths and misconceptions about happiness, stress and other health and wellness arenas.
myths about stress
You may not know this, but most of what you’ve been taught to believe about stress (by the majority of stress experts) isn’t really true.
myths about relationships
If you’ve ever watched The Bachelor/Bachelorette on TV, you know how confused people are about love and relationships.
myths about emotions
It is widely known that most people don’t understand their own emotions or how to control them. Just turn on any news source to confirm this.
other myths about life
We suffer from many other myths about life and what it means to be human. These myths keep us from living, loving and working stress free.
And Exec. Director
Dr. Mort Orman, M.D., Founder and Executive Director of the Health Resource Network, Inc. (since 1982) is a highly-qualified Internal Medicine physician, and award-winning author, and a 40-year anger and stress elimination expert.
Dr. Orman has written 23 books on anger elimination, stress elimination, and other health related topics. He has also conducted hundreds of seminars and workshops for doctors, nurses, medical students, veterinarians, business owners, corporate executives, and even the F.B.I.
Dr. Orman’s vision for the Health Resource Network since 1982 has been to empower people with health education and trainings that can improve their health, happiness and success. He also believes that we need more high-quality Life Mastery education in our high schools, colleges, and other institutions of higher learning.
Highly-Qualified Internal Medicine Physician
50 years as a medical doctor, health and wellness executive, and 40 years as an anger and stress elimination expert.
award-winning author of over 23 books
Expertise in anger elimination, stress elimination, relationship skills, exercise enjoyment, critical thinking, happiness, and more.
40-year anger and stress elimination expert
Four decades of being a top global leader in promoting anger elimination and stress elimination skills as being superior to symptom management techniques.

Dr. Mort Orman, M.D.
Executive Director
national Stress Awareness Month (April)
For 32 years, we’ve been the official sponsoring organization for National Stress Awareness Month in the U.S. (since 1992)
If you have any question regarding this website or our organization, please contact us by mail, phone, or email.
908 Cold Bottom Rd, Sparks, MD 21152
+1 (772) 742 – 2442